Boehner shakeRecently, a man named Jorge Mario Bergoglio, known also as Pope Francis, visited the USA. Two of his major stops included addressing US leaders in a joint session of the United States Congress and the other the Annual Conclave of World Leaders at the United Nations Assembly. He is the first ever pope to address a joint session of the US Congress, and one of just a few popes to ever address the United Nations Assembly.

It is well known that Pope Francis is the head of the Roman Catholic Church; but another title he carries is head of the country named Vatican City, an absolute monarchy. So he is head of both a religious organization and a secular government. At least 179 countries around the globe have full diplomatic relations with Vatican City. Pope Francis is also sovereign of the Vatican banking system which has networks in 100+ countries around the world. The Roman Catholic Church is known to be the richest organization on planet earth.

Now this information should raise lots of questions in the minds of many people around the world, but especially followers of Jesus Christ. Why is a church leader also a government leader? No other church leader is also a head of state. Why has Pope Francis addressed a joint session of the US congress, the lawmaking body of the United States? Why has he also addressed all the world leaders at the United Nations? It would be quite appropriate for a church leader to address the people of nations, and unfortunately quite the opposite for a church leader to address/influence the lawmaking entities of the most powerful nation on planet earth and the assembly of world leaders of planet earth. Why also is Pope Francis so interested in bringing together Protestants and Catholics? Why are the Protestants themselves so interested in rallying together with Catholics? In recent years across the world there has been a coming together of Christian organizations and the groundwork initiated for a coming together of church and state. There are certainly a lot of unanswered questions.

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