Historically, there have been times of the church uniting with state. The outcomes have always been hideous. For instance, when the church was united with the state in the dark/middle ages, authorities estimate that 50 – 100+ million people were killed. In the days when Jesus walked this earth, the Jewish nation was God’s church. We see from recorded history and the Bible that the Jewish nation and the state (Roman Empire) united to crucify Jesus, the Son of God. Whenever the church and state have come together, it has NEVER been a positive time for humanity. The church ultimately controls the state, and this union produces persecution and/or death to any groups or individuals that do not follow the dictates of the church. History is repeating itself today as churches and the state come together right under our noses. Under our watch! Remember that the United States of America was formed because of the persecution of the church/state union in Europe, especially concerning liberty of conscience. The founding fathers sought refuge in the Americas, in the “new world”, free from the dictates of a church or a king.
Friends, our world is changing very quickly. I pray that, if you are not aware of the things I have mentioned, you will take some time to investigate it all for yourself. You might find this information very startling. My intent is not to upset you but to help you understand what is happening in our world so that you can make informed decisions. Please do not give up. Truth does exist in this upside down world. Hopefully you will desire it and dig for it. Do not take my word for what is mentioned. Prove these issues out for yourselves.
Now comes the last question. What do we do with this information? Friends, it is time to get serious with God. This world is on the verge of a great and stupendous crisis. It is time to have a connection and relationship with God our Father and His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is our only connection to God the Father. He is our way to eternity. By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are assured eternal life with Him. We will not be saved by any church or denomination or having our name on any church books. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
We have a responsibility to God our Creator and to our fellow human beings to know what is happening in our world. I pray that you will make a decision – a decision based on Truth in God. Our only security in the coming worldwide crisis is a connection to the source of Truth, God and His Word. I implore you to take the time now to investigate, study, and then decide where you wish to spend eternity. A decision to ignore situations is nonetheless a decision.
As always, please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss something or desire more information. I invite you to pass this information on to your own circle of family and friends. May God bless you and keep you in His loving care as we prepare for the soon coming of His Son, Jesus Christ.
I have provided additional information for you to research more: