A belief or sentiment that is shared by the majority of people is called public or popular opinion. It is something that the human race has experienced since the beginning of time. For example, in Noah’s day the popular opinion was that, since it had never before rained, it was highly unlikely that a flood was coming. In Moses’ day the popular belief was that the gods of Egypt were the most powerful gods and therefore invincible. In Jesus’ day, it was a popular belief that the Messiah would appear to set up a temporal, earthly kingdom and deliver Israel from the Roman yoke. Often times, as it was in the case of these examples, when the popular belief is proved to be untrue, the masses either blindly go on in their unbelief or relinquish their belief with disappointment. This is what the disciples of Jesus had to go through. They were greatly disappointed when Jesus died. They thought He was going to reign as king. They had believed this popular opinion from their childhood, yet that opinion only left then saddened. How is it with you friend? Are you caught in the web of a popular belief which is contrary to the truth? The Bible says, “… all the world wondered after the beast.” –Rev. 13:3. Brethren, today there are many beliefs and sentiments that are shared by the majority of people, but just because the majority believes it does not make it true. How do you know if what you believe is true or a matter of opinion? Well the Bible says, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” -2 Tim. 2:15

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